You can buy your Air Optix Colors contact lenses from our office with just one phone call. If you last contact lens exam was with us, we’ll have your prescription on file for you, so there’ll be nothing you have to do other than give us a call and let us know how many boxes you’d like. You can choose from the following colors: blue, brilliant blue, gray, sterling gray, green, gemstone green, pure hazel, honey, and brown.
Air Optix Colors contact lenses are monthly lenses and they come six to a box. So a six month supply for both eyes is two boxes, and a year’s supply is four boxes. If you pick your lenses up at our office then there’s no shipping charge, and it only takes a day, or sometimes two, for your lenses to arrive at our office. We can also ship your Air Optix Colors contact lenses directly to your home. Shipping is free on annual supplies shipped to your home, and there is just a small charge for a six-month supply to your home.
If your last exam was with another office, we can request your prescription for Air Optix Colors from that office, though it is sometimes faster for you to send us your prescription by e-mail or fax, or bring it by our office. Contact lens prescriptions are valid for one year. If it has been more than a year since your last contact lens exam, you will need a new eye exam and CL fitting or evaluation to ensure that Air Optix Colors are still the best choice for your ocular health and vision. You can schedule your contact lens exam online or call our office with any questions.