97202 optometrist bike parking at portland eye doctor officeYou’ll find us at our bright and cheerful 4133 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97202 optometrist office open Monday thru Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM.  Look for the beige brick building on the North side of SE Division Street between 41st and 42nd avenues.  Easy and free parking is available on Division St. as well as on 41st and 42nd Ave.  We are in the Richmond neighborhood of SE Portland right next to Marino Adriatic Cafe (home of the best Cappuccino in Portland).  There is plenty of bicycle parking right outside our office.


97202 optometrist SE Portland, OR

We are located just a couple blocks South of Richmond Elementary school.  While you’re at our office don’t forget to stop in at Marino’s for a cappuccino or New Thai Blues for lunch.  We are also close to the Richmond neighborhood OHSU office on 39th and Division as well as the numerous other offices, shops, and restaurants that make the Richmond neighborhood the great neighborhood that it is.

For more info on our neighborhood, check out the websites for the Division Clinton Business Association and the Richmond Neighborhood Association.  Our neighborhood is bordered by the Brooklyn neighborhood, the Buckman neighborhood, the Creston-Kenilworth neighborhood, the Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood and the Sunnyside Neighborhood.  More info on them here:

Brooklyn Action Corp
Buckman Community Association
HAND (Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Association)
Sunnyside Neighborhood Association

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about us and our neighborhood.  From our caring and knowledgeable doctors and staff, to our unique eyewear and optical technology let us show you why Portland Eye Care is a great choice as your neighborhood optometrist.

*Note to deliveries and other folks using navigation systems to find us.  The correct zip code for this optometrist office is 97202.  If you have us listed as 97206 please update to the correct 97202.  The zip code map is a little odd in this part of Portland and our building is basically a little island of 97202 surrounded by 97206.