One convenient aspect of Portland Eye Care in regards to 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism contact lenses is that we carry a very extensive variety of contact lens trials. We are happy to say that we maintain a fitting set of 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism lenses in our office. It is a little more difficult to keep diagnostic lenses for daily disposable lenses that correct astigmatism because it means a weeks worth of disposable lenses must be stocked for every possible lens spherical power (the part of the lens that corrects your nearsighted or farsightedness) as well as every different shape and orientation of these lenses out of 360 degrees of possibilities (this is the part of the lens that corrects the astigmatism of your eye).
Though it can be a challenge to keep all of these diagnostic lenses continually stocked, it pays off for our patients because instead of seeing us for a contact lens exam, then having us order the required 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism lenses, and then having to come back for a fitting of the ordered lenses, and possibly having to repeat this process multiple times to find the perfect lens, with our extensive lens fitting sets, we are able to save our patients’ time by completing the initial fit at that first visit and only having them return for any necessary follow-up, rather than multiple times just to fit lenses for which we were waiting to arrive.
1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism contact lenses are a great choice for allergy sufferers or patients that tend to accumulate deposits on their lenses over a two-week or monthly wear cycle. 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism contacts are also great for patients who are sensitive to the chemicals in contact lens cleaning and storage solutions. Since these lenses are disposed of at the end of the day, and not stored in solution, there is no chance of solution sensitivity developing. There is also a decreased chance of infection, as many ocular infections can be traced back to contamination of the lens during storage (which by the way, is why we generally recommend daily disposable contacts for young wearers). In general, daily disposable lenses cost a little to a significant amount more than lenses that must be stored in solution. However, for someone who only wears there contacts 2-3 days a week or less, daily disposable lenses can actually be a cheaper option.
You can purchase 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism contact lenses from our office with just a phone call. If your last contact lens exam was with us, we’ll have your prescription on file for you, so there’ll be nothing you have to do other than give us a call and let us know how many boxes you’d like. If you pick your lenses up at our office then there’s no shipping charge, and it only takes a day, or sometimes two, for your lenses to arrive at our office. We can also ship your 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism contact lenses directly to your home. Shipping is free on annual supplies shipped to your home. If it has been more than a year since your last contact lens exam, you will need a ne w eye exam and CL fitting or evaluation to ensure that 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatismcontact lenses are still the best choice for your ocular health and vision. You can schedule your contact lens exam online or call our office with any questions.