To buy Acuvue Oasys contact lenses from our office, you will need a valid prescription. Contact lens prescriptions are valid for one year. If you last contact lens exam was with us, we’ll have your prescription on file for you. If your last exam was at another location you can bring your prescription by our office, fax, or e-mail it to us. If it has been more than a year since your last contact lens exam, you will need a new eye exam and CL fitting or evaluation. You can schedule this online (above) or call our office at (503) 444-7639 with any questions.

The Acuvue Oasys contact lens with hydraclear has been a very successful lens for many of our patients. While most of the newer technological development in the contact lens world is moving towards the one-day, daily disposable contact lens, the Acuvue Oasys contact, with it’s 2-week replacement cycle, remains a popular option for many patients.
Acuvue Oasys is made from senofilcon A and has a water content of 38%. The Acuvue Oasys is a quite breathable contact lens with a Dk/t value of 147. This Dk/t value is a measure of the oxygen permeability of a contact lens of a standard prescription in a particular material. Prior generations of contact lenses had Dk/t values in the teens, twenties, and thirties. The Acuvue Oasys contact lens is in the class of contact lenses called “Silicon Hydrogels,” and it is the addition of silicon molecules to the contact lens material that allows for the higher oxygen permeability of this class of lenses. Most silicon hydrogel contact lenses have a Dk/t value of over one hundred.
Another important feature of the Acuvue Oasys contact lens is it’s ultraviolet light blocking property. These lenses are class 1 UV light blocking contacts. So, while it is still recommended to wear a brimmed hat as well as sunglasses to protect the eyelids and skin around the eye from sun damage. The UV light blocking capability of these lenses can contribute to ocular health by minimizing ocular damage from ultraviolet light that can lead to cataracts and other ocular diseases.
The Acuvue Oasys contact lens comes in packs of twelve or twenty-four lenses. Since these lenses need to be replaced every two weeks, two twelve packs is a six-month supply for each eye, while two twenty-four packs will equal a year’s supply for each eye. Acuvue Oasys lenses come with a light blue tint for visibility as well as a 1-2-3 marking on the lens periphery to ensure that the lenses are not inserted inside-out.